FAV gaming official website-マルチプロゲーミングチーム


アマゾン ウェブ サービスの技術支援を受け、 eスポーツプレイヤー向け機械学習システムを開発!

プロゲーミングチーム“FAV gaming”、
アマゾン ウェブ サービスの技術支援を受け、



株式会社KADOKAWA Game Linkage(本社:東京都文京区、代表取締役社長:豊島秀介)が運営するプロゲーミングチーム“FAV gaming(ファブゲーミング)” は、Amazon Web Services(以下、AWS)でお客様のビジネス上の課題解決を、機械学習を活用して支援するデータサイエンティストからなる専門家チーム・Amazon Machine Learning (ML) Solutions Labより技術支援を受け、eスポーツプレイヤー向け機械学習システム(ML)を開発することについてお知らせします。



FAV gamingでは、第一弾として本システムを「VALORANT部門」へ導入することで、チームパフォーマンスの最大化を図ってまいります。

FAV gamingは、“Fun and Victory(楽しんで勝つ)”というチームスローガンをモットーに、選手がパフォーマンスや魅力を最大限に発揮できるよう、今後もより一層のチーム運営・選手支援をおこなってまいります。
さらに、KADOKAWA Game Linkageでは、FAV gaming所属選手のサポートをはじめ、ゲームイベントの企画・プロデュースなど、eスポーツのさらなる発展に向けて今後も全力で取り組んでまいります。


■Amazon ML Solutions Labとは

Amazon ML Solutions Labは人工知能と機械学習分野の専門家で構成されるチームです。フルフィルメント、物流、パーソナライゼーション、レコメンデーション、コンピュータビジョン、翻訳、不正防止、予測、サプライチェーン最適化などの分野におけるAmazonの20年以上にわたる機械学習へのイノベーションから得た知見を活かし、お客様を支援しています。

今回のこの取り組みでは、FAV gamingとの機械学習モデルの共同開発を通して勝利の確率を高める支援を行います。


■FAV gamingとは

“FAV gaming”とは、KADOKAWA Game Linkageがプロデュースするゲーミングチームです。現在、「格闘ゲーム部門」、「クラッシュ・ロワイヤル部門」、「レインボーシックス シージ部門」、「VALORANT部門」、「Apex Legends部門」、「PUBG MOBILE部門」、「Call of Duty部門」、「ストリーマー部門」の8部門を設置しています。

名称は、チームスローガンであるFun and Victory(楽しんで勝つ)の頭文字から採用しました。プレイ、行動を通じて、すべての世代に愛され、ファンを幸せにするチームを目標にしています。



■株式会社KADOKAWA Game Linkageとは

株式会社KADOKAWA Game Linkage(代表取締役社長:豊島 秀介)は、株式会社KADOKAWAの100%子会社です。


公式サイト: https://kadokawagamelinkage.jp

※アマゾン ウェブ サービス、Amazon Web Services、AWS、およびPowered by AWSロゴは、Amazon.com, Incまたはその関連会社の商標です。


The professional Gaming Team “FAV gaming,”
is developing a machine learning system for e-sports players!
With technical support fom Amazon Web Services


FAV gaming, a professional gaming team managed by KADOKAWA Game Linkage Inc. (Head office: Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo, President: Shusuke Toyoshima) is developing a machine learning (ML) system aimed at e-sports players with technical support from Amazon Machine Learning (ML) Solutions Lab, a dedicated team that connects AWS machine learning experts and data scientists with AWS customers to help them solve their most pressing business problems using ML.


machine learning system

The machine learning system, built on AWS cloud, is utilized for e-sports players for the first time in Japan.
In this new effort, thousands of hours of gameplay video have been used to train the machine learning model. Through the trained machine learning model, we can objectively extract players’ habits, strong points, tendencies and more. By doing this, we can accurately grasp players’ individual skill evaluations, and can utilize them in coaching and tactical planning.
At FAV gaming, we are planning to optimize team performance by introducing this system to the “VALORANT Division” as a first step.

With the team slogan “Fun and Victory” as our motto, FAV gaming will continue to provide even more team management and player support, for players to display their performance and appeal to the utmost limits. Furthermore, at KADOKAWA Game Linkage we will continue to work with all our strength for the further development of e-sports, starting with supporting players belonging to FAV gaming and including game event planning, production and more.


■About Amazon ML Solutions Lab

The Amazon ML Solutions Lab is a team composed of experts in the artificial intelligence and machine learning fields that brings to every customer engagement the learnings from more than 20 years of Amazon’s ML innovations in areas such as fulfilment and logistics, personalization and recommendations, computer vision and translation, fraud prevention, forecasting and supply chain optimization. The lab offered technical supports to FAV gaming in developing the machine learning models for e-sports players to raise their victory rates.


■About FAV gaming

FAV gaming is a gaming team produced by Kadokawa Game Linkage Inc. It currently has 8 divisions established. These are the “Fighting Games Division,” “Clash Royale Division,” “Rainbow Six Siege Division,” “VALORANT Division,” “Apex Legends Division,” “PUBG MOBILE Division,” “Call of Duty Division” and “Streamers Division.”

The team name uses the initials of the team slogan, Fun and Victory. Through play and action, we aim to be a team loved by all generations and make our fans happy.

Official Site:http://www.favgaming.com
Official Twitter:https://twitter.com/fav_gaming
Official YouTube Channel:https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCT6uPY-VtXHKpYesif3iNlA/


■About KADOKAWA Game Linkage Inc.

KADOKAWA Game Linkage Inc. (President: Shusuke Toyoshima) is a subsidiary 100% owned by KADOKAWA CORPORATION.

We published information magazines, including brands such as Famitsu and Game no Dengeki. Our company is also expanding our game media business, with web service management and video streaming. Besides these efforts, our company is also striving to create new values in every field related to games, including event planning and e-sports management. We are increasing the enthusiasm for games and of users, and expanding the fun and enjoyment of games.

Official Site: https://kadokawagamelinkage.jp

*Amazon Web Services, AWS and the “Powered by AWS” logo are trademarks of Amazon.com, Inc. or its affiliates in the United States and/or other countries.
